Hi every one. for whom which are bored with the look of the boot mini animation in the galaxy mini and want to change the animation, please follow the tutorial how to change boot animation for galaxy mini below : Before change the boot animation first prepare the tools your galaxy mini must have been rooted, if you haven't root it, see how root galaxy min i download root explorer in blapkmarket.com because there are many applications that already full version to download the boot animation(click the picture to get the download link) , sorry i can't show the display animation 5. have you download it? if you have download it, choose one animation that you want make as your new boot animation the rename the file to be bootanimation.zip then, this is the step: insert the bootanimation.zip into the sdcard(place anywhere open root explorer, go to System> bin Find the file samsungloop, move up where you want rename the bootanimation file to samsungloop, do no...