Before We have make a post about the availability of the new update to Android 4.2.2 for the Nexus 4, and 7. In this morning and have been announced that the update for nexus 10 to android 4.2.2 is available. So now you can update your nexus 10 to the latest version of android. But we all know that the distribution of OTA in the world takes place in tranches and before arriving on all Nexus in the world could take a couple of days. So if you want to manually update nexus 10 to android 4.2.2 you can follow this guide. below you can read my explanation how to update nexus 10 to android 4.2.2 manually. Actually the methid is similar with my previous guide about update nexus 4 to android 4.2.2. because although the model is different but its hardware and system file is almost the same. this guide is dedicated to nexus 10 owner that want to upgrade the android version without waiting for the arrival of OTA. You can just install the update directly from manual recovery. Tutorial ma...